It's finally up!
Tonight, I pushed the bedtime back to 10:30 and was able to get my
resume online for easy downloading and sharing. This is important because it is my first in many tangible steps toward using design and creative problem-solving for a greater good.
With a cover letter, resume, three examples, and my contact information my 'resume' demonstrates my technical as well as creative abilities within Adobe Creative Suites.
This morning while sitting on the roof looking at the clouds over the ocean I came across this verse from Mishlei (proverbs):
"In all work there is profit,
but mere talk produces only poverty."So again I offer: It is finally up...
"There are two sorts of travelers...The first sets off in the general direction of the destination and is quite happy to figure things out on the way, to read the signposts, ask directions, and muddle through. The second wants to know in advance what the road will be like, where it changes from a country road to a busy multilane highway, how long it will take to complete the different sections, and so on."
-W.T. Wright
I am one going in a general direction...
People need things like clean water, food, community, and healthcare but aren't getting them. We can change that and I believe good design can help in our efforts.
If you know of anyone who could use someone who is enthusiastic about design please pass them my resume.
-much love
Relevant Links:
.::My Resume::.